Devin Thorpe

What is the future of crowdfunding?

How do you see the registered investment crowdfunding (#RIC) market evolving in the future? What does the merger of StartEngine and SeedInvest suggest in that context?

Dealmaker replied:

Great question!  Here's what our CEO Rebecca Kacaba predicts:

1. Definitely more payment options to consider: not just fractional considerations, but options like crypto and credit card will become available on more deals

2. More multi-jurisdictional deals: the compliance and regulatory environment makes this challenging, but a digital-first approach is the key to tapping into the internet's power creating a single global capital market

3. Better data & analytics: deeply understanding the dynamics of deals will level-up predictions, valuations, and accuracy for founders and VCs alike

4. Improved Access to Capital: these innovations are already moving the dial on getting more $$ to founders that are women or POC, and soon true equitable representation will be the norm

If you want to read about all of our predictions for 2023, check out our article!

Dealmaker replied:

We have 7 key predictions for 2023 and beyond for the Equity Crowdfunding space:

1. A heightened regulatory environment 

2. More multi-jurisdictional deals 

3. Continued pressure on valuations 

4. Blockchain entrants

Read our article for more!