On behalf of the Crowdfunding Professional Association (CfPA), I would like to express gratitude to @Devin Thorpe and @Chandan Saha for providing CfPA with the opportunity to co-host SuperCrowd24 and for giving the CfPA board and members the opportunity to share their perspectives and expertise and to connect with a community of attendees from all over the world. The event was highly engaging and informative (-- and provided a welcome diversion following the end of this year’s tax season).
The agenda was packed, the speakers were amazing, and the topics were relevant across a wide range of themes. Personally, I was pleased to hear numerous discussions about the possible integration of regulated investment crowdfunding into the full capital stack of various businesses -- from small enterprises seeking SBA loans to major corporations managing complex divestitures – as it points to a future where crowdfunding and community-ownership could be an important pro-social substitute for other forms of financing, such as private equity.
My only disappointment with SuperCrowd24 was my inability to be in more than one place at once -- so I look forward to release of the recordings where I can continue to learn and absorb from the fantastic content generated over this two-day, virtual extravaganza. I would encourage others to dive into the content and to share it as well.
Again, we are deeply grateful for the dedicated and quality work of SuperCrowd to advance our industry. Thanks to all the super people that were contributors and to Devin and Chandan for their outstanding contribution to the field of regulated investment crowdfunding.
(2024 President, CfPA)
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@Brian Christie, The Super Crowd, Inc., a public benefit corporation, is grateful for the tremendous cooperation of the Crowdfunding Professional Association. We had 13 board members on the program and its full support. We couldn't have done it otherwise.
It is exciting to see the pro-social impact of regulated investment crowdfunding emerging!