Why did you get involved in crowdfunding?
Because I believe supporting entrepreneurship is vital to society, and frankly, humanity, too. Helping others actualize their potential, or even just follow their bliss, is a keen use of technology that has multiplicative, cascading benefits.
And I also saw that access to gary stage, potentially explosive equity investments for most people was prohibited unnaturally, unnecessarily, and mostly, unwisely. So, I recognized that with all things disruptive, yet also inevitable, I'd rather help fuel the rockets and get there sooner than later. So I volunteered in what became an 8-yr journey, so far.
Because I believe supporting entrepreneurship is vital to society, and frankly, humanity, too. Helping others actualize their potential, or even just follow their bliss, is a keen use of technology that has multiplicative, cascading benefits.
And I also saw that access to gary stage, potentially explosive equity investments for most people was prohibited unnaturally, unnecessarily, and mostly, unwisely. So, I recognized that with all things disruptive, yet also inevitable, I'd rather help fuel the rockets and get there sooner than later. So I volunteered in what became an 8-yr journey, so far.