What is a good way to find impact investment opportunities that are currently crowdfunding?
Thanks for the great question. With nearly 90 FINRA regulated funding portals and thousands of broker dealers all eligible to facilitate issuers for their crowdfunding raises, you aren't alone in looking for deals that meet certain characteristics (e.g. impact investments). Luckily, there do exist aggregators that collect data about live offerings and sort them into categories.
KingsCrowd is one such aggregator and you can find companies with live offerings that they've sorted as having "Social Impact" by clicking on this link: https://kingscrowd.com/companies/search/?social_impact=true&status=Active I believe they have a team of analysts that tag issuers with certain labels to make them easier to sort.
Another place where you can learn more generally about companies operating at the intersection of impact investing and crowdfunding is at the SuperCrowd conference where companies, including impact companies with live offerings, pitch, present, and discuss case studies. It's a major gathering of leaders in this sector and you can find more info here: https://thesupercrowd.com
#impactinvesting #socialimpact @Devin Thorpe @Brian Belley
Thanks for the great question. With nearly 90 FINRA regulated funding portals and thousands of broker dealers all eligible to facilitate issuers for their crowdfunding raises, you aren't alone in looking for deals that meet certain characteristics (e.g. impact investments). Luckily, there do exist aggregators that collect data about live offerings and sort them into categories.
KingsCrowd is one such aggregator and you can find companies with live offerings that they've sorted as having "Social Impact" by clicking on this link: https://kingscrowd.com/companies/search/?social_impact=true&status=Active I believe they have a team of analysts that tag issuers with certain labels to make them easier to sort.
Another place where you can learn more generally about companies operating at the intersection of impact investing and crowdfunding is at the SuperCrowd conference where companies, including impact companies with live offerings, pitch, present, and discuss case studies. It's a major gathering of leaders in this sector and you can find more info here: https://thesupercrowd.com
#impactinvesting #socialimpact @Devin Thorpe @Brian Belley
We created a shorter URL for the KingsCrowd search: http://screen.impactcherub.com. We created it for members of the Impact Cherub Club, a group of friends who invest for impact via crowdfunding. We're having a ball and making a difference while we make a few pennies.
It is a great question and one that Raise Green, the climate investment platform, is dedicated to -- I am a cofounder and CIO at Raise Green. We are the first investment CF marketplace in the US dedicated to inclusive finance focused on demonstrable environmental benefits. Raise Green is on a mission to accelerate the clean energy transition and democratize access to both raising capital and investing. It is easy to find us - raisegreen.com!
And a shout out for both KingsCrowd and the SuperCrowd22 event as excellent avenues to learn more about opportunities in the impact space. Don't miss them!