A little experiment as there are no takers (yet) for my ~$15 million dollar digital NFT titled "A Confession: I Framed Mark Zuckerberg."

Ok, perhaps it was a little rich even for the crypto bubble market. So get out your credit card or crypto wallet as I'm now going to release a psychedelic safari style Bored Ape from my inventory for 34.8ETH (or ~$89k at today's exchange rate) https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/57988337355283582015213661157621299247275946037640060474256656039578913734657 It's not from the same Yacht club but it has a similar appearance to a psychedelic crowned Bored Ape that sold in October for $2.7 Million. 

Bored Ape Psychodelic 2.png

Ripoff or bargain? I think my Bored Ape looks better than the crowned version -- but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For appraisal value, let's turn to a Google Image search result. According to the authoritative power of Google, a search for my ape results in "bored monkey most expensive nft" so at 3% the cost of the crowned ape, it's a bargain! If it sells, I will donate half of all proceeds (after any taxes) to the Crowdfunding Professional Association (CfPA) and the other half to the charity of my choice. APE NFT Google_Search.png

Perhaps a philanthropist or investor in the movement to decriminalize psilocybin will be a buyer? Of perhaps one of the Andreessen Horowitz dedicated NFT funds will make a play for this? If not, then I will submit this as exhibit #1 that these "digital art" NFTs represent a bubble about to burst. 

Disagree? Act now if you want to keep the "digital art" bubble inflated as this sale will end on April 2nd.  


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Kasey Smith
Kasey Smith 6/20/2022

"I will submit this as exhibit #1 that these "digital art" NFTs represent a bubble about to burst."

Burst? They still seem expensive (over 100k each) but it looks like the bubble has most definitely deflated!