SuperCrowd Ask to Join
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This Superpower Enables You to Do Infinite Good
You have a suite of strengths and superpowers. Some you have developed from a young age, reflecting intrinsic abilities. Others, you have developed with discipline and practice. They enable you to do good and make a difference in your community and the world.
You have a superpower you may not have considered. You can invest money in social enterprises that share your sense of mission and purpose. When you do, you enable good to happen that might not otherwise. When things go well, the good continues indefinitely, even as you get your money back—with a profit.
Read the full article here:
On May 10-11, 2023, we’re convening the second annual SuperCrowd23 event. Building on the success of the first event, we’re planning for bigger and better with lots of fun and excitement, along with great networking and so much invaluable content.
At the moment, The Super Crowd, Inc. is offering tickets at a super early bird pricing that is more than half off the full price. As a Superpowers for Good reader, you’re entitled to a 50 percent additional discount, meaning you can get tickets right now for about 80 percent off!
The early bird ticket sales end on January 16. Don’t wait! Register now!
December Meeting Report
Due Diligence Reports and Investment Decisions
At last month’s meeting, we heard diligence reports from club members on three companies, pocstock, Mana Pacific Inc and amai. The club members discussed the pros and cons of investing and voted to reach consensus investment recommendations for the members.
In December, we took the unusual action of deferring a decision on pocstock to the January meeting.
We don’t announce our investment recommendations. If you’d like to know what we’re seeing, selecting and recommending, please join us on January 17, 2023, at 1:00 PM Eastern. There is no cost to participate; you don’t have to invest anything ever. When members choose to invest, I don’t touch the money and don’t earn any fees, commissions or favors.
New Company Screening
Last month, we took a first look at the following three companies. Club members volunteered to conduct some due diligence and report on all three at our next meeting on December 20, 2022, at 1:00 Eastern.
Next Meeting—January 17, 2023, at 1:00 PM Eastern
Preliminary Consideration of New Candidates
Please join us for the monthly Impact Cherub Club meeting on January 17 at 1:00 PM Eastern. There is no cost or obligation. We’re genuinely having fun! Register here for free.
#impactcrowdfunding #impactinvesting #socialentrepreneurship #socialimpact #ric #communitycapital

Great Roster of Speakers Forming for SuperCrowd23
We've got almost 30 speakers already committed to speaking at SuperCrowd23 on May 10-11. What a great roster!
Andrew Connor
Andrew Stephenson
Bill Huston
Brad Bertoch
Brian Belley
Brian P. Christie
Brian Korn
Chip Hauss
Christopher Miller
Devin Thorpe
George Cook
George Pullen
Jackie Logan
James Wagoner, PE
Jenny Kassan
John Panaccione
JohnMatthew Douglas
Kathleen Minogue
Mark Hubbard
Matt Warnock
Miah Shull Olmsted
Michelle Thimesch
Mona DeFrawi
Peter Rostovsky
Samson Williams
Sheeza Shah
Stephanie Geller
Steven Cinelli
Sherwood (Woodie) Neiss
We're assembling the wisest group of CEOs, entrepreneurs, investors, experts and portal operators ever!
Register now to get the best deal! Super early bird pricing ends on Martin Luther King Day!
#impactcrowdfunding #impactentrepreneurship #socialentrepreneurship #investmentcrowdfunding #impactinvesting #fun #event

Small Change Raises Money Via Wefunder
Eve Picker, CEO of the regulated real estate investment crowdfunding portal, has put the shoe on the other foot. She’s raising money for Small Change on Wefunder. (Full disclosure: I’ve already committed funds to Small Change.)
Meet Small Change
“Small Change is a real estate crowdfunding portal, which means that we are registered with the SEC and members of FINRA, and we can use a pretty new securities rule called Regulation Crowdfunding, which permits anyone who’s 18 and over to invest,” Eve says.
“We focus on real estate projects with impact—with a mission,” she says. “Small change is amazing because we’re tackling projects that I think will make cities better in so many different ways.”
The impact goes beyond the obvious, she says:
What I love about what we've done and what's happened over the last couple of years is that not only are we supporting projects in disinvested neighborhoods and building net zero buildings and things like that, but we have had a groundswell of emerging developers come to us, and at this point, we have almost 60 percent of our developers or issuers are minority and or women, which I think is staggering given the very old white boy club that the real estate industry is.
The projects on Small Change are also profitable. “The projects that have gone full cycle that raise money with us have averaged about a 12 and a half percent internal rate of return, which is a great record,” Eve says.
Raising Capital on Wefunder
It seems odd for a company to raise capital with a business that could be considered a competitor. It feels a bit like a Chevy dealer selling brand-new Ford trucks.
Eve explains the regulatory environment that requires this practice. “The reason we’re raising money on Wefunder and not on our own platform is that under Regulation Crowdfunding, we can’t have an interest in any project that is on our platform.”
That prohibits a portal from offering shares on its owned portal. Small Change isn’t the first, nor will it be the last, to raise money using a competitor’s site.
Unlike crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe that collect donations, or sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo that pre-sell creative content and other innovations, regulated investment crowdfunding sites sell investments. Many structures are used, from debt to equity, with hybrid solutions like convertible debt being common. Simple Agreements for Future Equity are often used, too.
Regardless of the instrument used, the entrepreneur or business raising money is issuing an instrument designed and intended to provide a financial return.
#ric #realestatecrowdfunding #impactcrowdfunding #crowdfunding #communitycapital
Mark Your Calendar For SuperCrowd23 May 10-11
SuperCrowd22, held in September, was a huge success. Hundreds of people attended.
SuperCrowd23, the second annual event, will be held May 10-11, 2023.
To formalize things a bit, I’ve formed a public benefit corporation called The Super Crowd, Inc., to own and host the event. We’ll have more news about TSCI in the new year!
The virtual event will feature close to 100 speakers, including investors, entrepreneurs who have raised capital via crowdfunding, portal executives and other experts. Whether you want to learn more about investing in high-impact startups or how to raise money as a social entrepreneur, this event is for you.
Remember, everyone in the U.S. can invest in private businesses under Regulation Crowdfunding.
Building community capital via regulated investment crowdfunding is a focus of the conference again this year. Super-Early-Bird tickets are on sale now. These tickets are priced well below 50 percent off the full price!
Here’s the big news for Superpowers for Good readers. You can get 50 percent off these crazy ticket prices right now. Use the code “Super50off” to get this insane deal. These prices won’t last. Get your tickets now before you forget!
Scott McIntyre, Chairman of the Crowdfunding Professional Association
“I’m excited by this whole conference–the biggest group of visionary experts I’ve ever seen assembled,” said Scott McIntyre, Chairman of the Crowdfunding Professional Association of the recent event.
Jackie Logan, Chief Investment Officer, Raise Green
“My problem was I wanted to be in every session. It was valuable, insightful; it was networking amongst like-minded folks—interesting and inspirational,” said Jackie Logan, Chief Investment Officer of the climate-focused regulated investment crowdfunding portal Raise Green, of SuperCrowd22. “I have not been to a conference like this. This is real. This is actionable.”
Michelle Thimesch, CEO of Crowdfund Main Street
“SuperCrowd23 will play two vital roles in the crowdfunding economy in 2023,” said Michelle Thimesch, CEO of Crowdfund Main Street. “First, it assembles, grows and trains the community of investors focused on impact through crowdfunding. Second, it strengthens, enables and inspires entrepreneurs working to build better communities or solve global problems.”
Upon registering for SuperCrowd23, ticketholders will receive immediate access to the video archive for SuperCrowd22, which features almost 50 hours of recorded expert content.
The event is a collaborative effort among industry leaders coming together to hold the event. Co-hosts include Crowdfund Mainstreet, Brainsy, the National Coalition for Community Capital, the Crowdfunding Professional Association, Crowdfund Better, The Center for Community Ownership, WEconomy.US, Community Wealth Builders, UpEffect, CrowdMax, Crowdfund Capital Advisors, Kupchiy, Radivision, Connecting the Dots and Superpowers for Good.
Speakers on the SuperCrowd23 program already include Sherwood Neiss, Crowdfund Capital Advisors; Andrew Connor, The Center for Community Ownership; Brad Bertoch,; Andrew Stephenson, CrowdCheck; Bill Huston, CrowdMax; Brian Korn, Manatt; Chip Haus, Connecting the Dots; George Cook, Honeycomb Credit; George Pullen, UNH Law, Columbia University, Milky Way Economy; Jackie Logan, Raise Green; James Wagoner, Joule Case; John Panaccione; Kathleen Minogue, Crowdfund Better; Miah Shull Olmsted, The Impact Arts Society; Michelle Thimesch, Crowdfund Main Street; Mona DeFrawi, Radivision; Peter Rostovsky, Kupchiy and Stephanie Geller, Community Wealth Builders.
The Super Crowd, Inc., a public benefit corporation, organizes virtual and in-person events to support the growth and development of the impact crowdfunding community, including both investors and issuers. The founding principle of TSCI is that cooperation and collaboration are essential for growing the number of impact investors supporting social entrepreneurs and traditionally underrepresented business owners. Learn more at
ESG Is Not Impact Investing and Impact Investing Is Not ESG
A thoughtful article on ESG vs Impact investing.
ESG Is Not Impact Investing and Impact Investing Is Not ESG
Often, it seems people conflate the two concepts so this provides good perspective on how they are very distinct.