Registration now open! Attend the SEC Small Business Forum


Event details

Thursday, 01:00 PM EDT

Calling all entrepreneurs, investors, advisors and anyone who is passionate in their support of small businesses! Join us April 10, 2025, in Washington D.C. for discussions with speakers from across the small business ecosystem, remarks from our Commissioners, policy recommendations, networking opportunities, and more at the SEC's 44th Annual Small Business Forum! Attendance is free. Please register to let us know you’re coming!


What topics will be covered?

The Forum brings together members of the public and private sectors to collaborate as a team to discuss and provide suggestions to improve policy affecting how entrepreneurs, small businesses, and smaller public companies raise capital from investors.

Sessions will feature speakers with in-depth knowledge of the issues facing small businesses across the country. In line with this Forum’s theme of “teamwork,” sessions will include:

  • Out of the Blocks: Strategies and Trends in Early-Stage Capital Raising
  • Championing Innovation: A Spotlight on Entrepreneurs
  • Teaming Up for Success: Game Plans for Growth-Stage Companies and Smaller Funds
  • Small Cap Playbook: Entering and Advancing in the Public Market Arena

Be sure to also join us for the "pre-game warm-up" in our exhibitor hall starting at 12:30PM, which will feature an opportunity to learn about small business resources from across the government.

A full agenda can be found on the SEC's Forum website.

How do I participate in developing policy recommendations?

What makes the Forum unique is the opportunity for the public to get in the game and suggest and prioritize policy recommendations on capital formation that will be delivered to Congress.
Please submit your policy recommendations in advance via the submission portal by close of business April 9th.

At the close of the event, all participants will have the opportunity to vote to prioritize submitted policy recommendations. The top recommendations will be published in a report that the SEC delivers to Congress. We will reserve time at the end of the event to allow in-person attendees to address the audience briefly to discuss any recommendations submitted. Following that discussion, the recommendations will be opened for voting for all participants (including those via webcast). Let your voice be heard!

Where is the event?

The event will be held at SEC Headquarters in Washington D.C.:

100 F St NE,
Washington, DC 20549

Registration is free. Please bring a photo ID for security processing upon arrival to the event. Can’t make it in person? We’ll miss seeing you! You can still catch all the discussions via the live broadcast on, where you’ll also be able to submit your votes for prioritizing the submitted policy recommendations.

Where can I learn more about the Forum?

Please visit our Forum event page for the latest event information. Reports and materials from prior forums are also available. For questions about registration, how to submit policy recommendations, or other issues relating to this year’s Forum, please email us at

We hope to see you on April 10th in Washington D.C. As always, we welcome your feedback and look forward to continuing to support you!
