Crowdfunding equity crowdfunding fintech community finance social finance social impact bond
I am a Crowdfunding Evangelist and a strong believer in the social power of crowdfunding.
I work as a strategic consultant for crowdfunding platforms, governments and NGOs who believe in the possibilities of crowdfunding, not only for funding, but also forco-creation, marketing and brand awareness.
Clients include local and national governments, (international) NGOs, the European Commission, banks, accountancy firms, VC and Angel networks, universities and some of the most successful and innovative crowdfunding platforms in Europe.
As expert advisor on crowdfunding for the European Commission, founder and board member of several crowdfunding initiatives, Vice-Chairman of the European Crowdfunding Network and strategic consultant on civic- and SME-crowdfunding I know the trends of Crowdfunding in Europe and I help to make them happen.
As international (key-note) speaker at dozens of conferences a year, I was able to explain the power of crowdfunding to over 10,000 people.
European Centre for Alternative Finance at Utrecht University & Senior
January 2017 - present
The European Centre for Alternative Finance (ECAF) is a research centre within Utrecht University. It has a central role in guiding the international research agenda on alternative finance, supporting financial inclusion and access to finance.
Senior Partner
January 2016 - present
CrowdfundingHub is a leading Crowdfunding consultancy firm supporting national and local governments, NGOs and financial institutes with crowdfunding research and strategy.
Specialized in growth strategy for crowdfunding platforms on their European expansion strategy. With 100+ crowdfunding strategy, legal and tax professionals in Europe, CrowdfundingHub is the most experienced alternative finance advisory firm in Europe.
Crowdfunding plays a key role in driving business innovation and success. This is why we find it important that people and businesses all over Europe become familiar with crowdfunding and are aware of its potential. Our network helps organisations, policy makers and entrepreneurs to embrace innovation and benefit from the development of the sharing economy and its social inclusive productivity.
Member of the Global Alternative Finance Leadership Board
Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Cambridge Judge Business School
April 2016 - present
The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) is an international interdisciplinary academic research institute dedicated to the study of alternative finance, which includes financial channels and instruments that emerge outside of the traditional financial system (i.e. regulated banks and capital markets). Examples of alternative channels are online 'marketplaces' such as equity- and reward-based crowdfunding, peer-to-peer consumer/business lending, and third-party payment platforms. Alternative instruments include SME mini-bonds, private placements and other 'shadow banking' mechanisms, social impact bonds and community shares used by non-profit enterprises, and alternative currencies such as Bitcoin.
The Global Alternative Finance Industry Leadership Board is a selective group of alternative finance trailblazers, influencers and industry leaders and is created to foster deep industry dialogue on a global scale and facilitate high-impact networking, knowledge exchange and cross-regional learning. The leadership board also supports the Cambridge Alternative Finance Center by producing cutting-edge academic research in online alternative finance channels, alternative credit and risk modeling, and payment systems.
Expert advisor Alternative Finance
European Commission
February 2016 - present
Horizon 2020 is the Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness. Running from 2014 to 2020 with an €80 billion budget, the EU’s new programme for research and innovation is part of the drive to create new growth and jobs in Europe.
As expert on Alternative Finance I am consulting the European Commission on alternative ways of financing Research & Innovation within the Horizon2020 program, such as crowdfunding and crowd investing.
European Crowdfunding Network
January 2012 - present
The European Crowdfunding Network is a European-wide initiative that aims at supporting and promoting crowdfunding as an alternative funding mechanism for small businesses.
It is gathering committed supporters and community management resources for carrying its activities and operations.
The target audience are crowdfunding platforms (this would include P2P finance platforms, equity crowdfunding platforms, donations-only platforms), Investors (individuals & Angels / VCs) and professionals (lawyers, accountants).
Lid Raad van Toezicht
Yvonne van Gennip Talent Fonds
December 2016 - present
Voormalig schaatsster Yvonne van Gennip heeft het Yvonne van Gennip Talent Fonds opgericht. Het doel van het fonds is professionele sporters te helpen met de carrière na de sport. Van Gennip, die bij de Olympische Winterspelen van 1988 drie gouden medailles won, wil nu samen met experts andere sporters helpen met de volgende stappen, waaronder nieuwe manieren van fondsenwerving en betrekken van fans bij de sportbeleving.
International Board of Advisors
Crowdfunding Professional Association
September 2015 - present
European Advisor for the Board of Directors of the CfPA, the US nonprofit organization promoting crowdfunding.
The Crowdfunding Professional Association (CfPA) is a nonprofit trade organization that was established shortly after the signing of the Jumpstart Our Business Startup Act (“JOBS Act”) on April 5, 2012. The CfPA is dedicated to representing the Crowdfunding industry and supporting the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) during the rule making period while providing the industry with education, a professional network and the tools necessary to cultivate and balance a healthy ecosystem that will accelerate capital formation and ensure investor protection whenever possible.
Advisory Board Member
China Crowdfunding Society
April 2015 - present
China Crowdfunding Society aims to build China's crowdfunding ecosystem together with international partners from Europe and the USA. CCS will develop an academic degree and a certification program for crowdfunding professionals.
Chairman of the Board
Jan Evertsen BuurtCoöperatie
October 2015 - present
The Jan Evertsen BuurtCoöperatie is the first Dutch real-estate cooperative fully owned and financed by citizens and entrepreneurs in Amsterdam-West to have influence on the type of shops being opened in the "Jan Everstenstraat".
This is done by acquiring real-estate in the street to have control on the type of shops being opened.
Investors will get a nice financial return, but also a nicer shopping street and social capital.
Universiti Malaya
Master's Degree
2002 - 2003
International Master Information Management
University of Amsterdam
Master's Degree
1995 - 2000
MSc Business Information Systems. Graduated on an extensive research on the support that Dutch universities give to Entrepreneurs in The Netherlands. On basis of this research been invited to several discussion fora.
Crowd Funding
January 2014
Crowdfunding, dé alternatieve vorm van financieren, wordt gezien als de nieuwe heilige graal. Maar wat is er nu écht nieuw aan deze vorm van financiering en is het wel zo waardevol als iedereen roept? Of kun je er in sommige gevallen maar beter niet aan beginnen? Hoe ziet de toekomst van crowdfunding eruit? En als je besluit te crowdfunden, hoe haal je dan maximale waarde uit de campagne? Geld is namelijk niet altijd het meest waardevolle resultaat van een campagne.
In 'Crowdfunding, de hype voorbij' zetten vier ondernemers, elk vanuit hun eigen professionele ervaring, crowdfunding (weer) met beide benen op de grond. Ze schetsen de geschiedenis en context van crowdfunding en gaan uitgebreid in op de stappen en afwegingen die belangrijk zijn om een campagne optimaal in te richten. Zo dagen ze jou uit om maximale waarde uit jouw crowdfundingcampagne te halen.
Met dit boek kun je meteen aan de slag met je crowdfundingcampagne. De praktische informatie is voorzien van kritische kanttekeningen, waardoor de schrijvers je zowel op strategisch als operationeel niveau wegwijs maken in de wereld van crowdfunding.
"Crowdfunding is een natuurlijke vorm van financieren voor ondernemers. Het levert niet alleen geld op voor ondernemers die willen innoveren en groeien, maar ook een betrokken netwerk van financiers. Dit boek biedt ondernemers praktische hulp om zelf de kansen van crowdfunding in te zien en er mee aan de slag te gaan." - Hans Biesheuvel, Founder ONL voor ondernemers en De OndernemersClub
"Crowdfunding is the way to go. Geweldig boek!" - Annemarie van Gaal
Dutch English